How Common is Age Discrimination?

Age discrimination is more common than most people think. As modern medicine continues to improve people are going to live longer and longer and most people want to continue working. Some older workers continue working because they need to, and others because they enjoy it. But one thing is for certain, being older should not be the basis for discharging an employee who is performing their job well. If you have been terminated or demoted and you suspect it is because of your age, then you should not hesitate to contact an age discrimination attorney.

Are you required to file an age discrimination claim with the EEOC?

In Georgia, you have to file a charge of discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) before you can file a claim in court. If you choose to file an administrative charge with the EEOC, it is best to contact an attorney before doing so because there is important and often times critical information that should be included in your charge or your potential recovery could be limited.

How do I know if I have a good age discrimination case?

If you are over forty (40) years old; suffered an adverse employment action such as being fired; and you have been replaced by someone who is substantially younger than you, then you should contact an attorney right away.

My employer claims I was fired for cause!

Even if your employer claims that the reason they are discharging you is performance based, it may still be possible to show that their reasoning is only a pretext for discrimination. Making such a showing requires a thorough knowledge of the factual circumstances surrounding the events leading up to the termination as well as the termination itself. Therefore, it is imperative that you sit down with an age discrimination attorney and discuss the facts of your case.

If you believe that your employer has treated you wrongly, call me at (912) 244-3999 to schedule an initial consultation so we can sit down and talk about the facts of your case and so that I can give you my opinion about whether or not you have a case.